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I had to take "home economics" twice because we moved from Oregon to Washington between 8th and 9th grades. As home ec was on the curriculum for girls in 8th grade in OR and 9th in WA, I found myself stuck in my least favorite class a second time! I petitioned the WA school to skip because I'd received a high passing grade in the first school but the school counselor (male) refused accomodation of my desire to take shop instead. Girls take home ec, boy take shop. Period. I got the lowest grade I'd ever received to that point my second time through the class. Still ticks me off that I had to waste two whole years in that class reiterating things I'd learned at home in elementary school!!! Except, that is, for putting in sleeves correctly. More than fifty years since home ec and as many years sewing garments later, I still can't seem to set the sleeve in the correct arm scye correctly the first (and sometimes the second and third) time. Very left/right challenged.

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