Efficiency is exactly what I would like most from customer service!

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Oh gosh, don't ever change! I love that you are efficient, that's what we all hope for from customer service! I can totally imagine my daughter being like this too. The quicker problems are dealt with, the more problems that can be solved. Perfect!

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This is yet another time when you sound a lot like me. I completely fail to understand why people want the faux-friendliness that NTs bring into every interaction.

If I meet a neighbor in the supermarket, I know it’s polite and expected to at least say “hi” and maybe a few banal remarks about the weather. But if they go on and on about their everyday lives, I start to feel trapped. This is why sometimes, they don’t see me if I see them first!

And for situations like you’re describing….WTF do they expect? When I call a help desk about some account issue, that’s what I want to talk about. Not your dog or the weather or “did you have a nice weekend?”

Stuff like this does make me think I’m probably autistic. I just want to get The Thing done and go on with my day—-not drag it out and embellish it.

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I'm going to share this with my autistic group on Discord. I know of at least one who works in customer service who will deeply appreciate what you've written.

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